AHDB Combinable Crops Analyst Training

Welcome to the Combinable Crops Analyst Training by AHDB.

If you are accessing these training modules as a requirement of your assurance scheme, you will need to complete all of the modules that are relevant to your particular testing facility.

Some modules are compulsory for all testing facilities (Introduction, quality assurance, infestation and visual inspection).

Then, select only the modules that relate to your facility (e.g. If you only test moisture using a rapid instrument, then complete module 'Moisture (rapid instruments)').

This learning platform only supports Chrome, Edge or Safari.

You can review all available courses by clicking 'Course Catalog'

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Accounts are locked out after 1 year of  inactivity. Please contact support if you need to access your account.

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If you need any technical assistance please contact grainanalyst@bureau.ahdb.org.uk